Our projects are placed at the intersection between three research Themes: biomolecules and cells at interfaces, biological microfluidics, and increasingly information storage and processing in/by biological systems.

These three areas contribute to our research both as tools and enablers, as well as applications and markets. The map below presents a ‘geographical’ distribution of past, present, and future projects within these, partially overlapping research domains.
Map of Three Research Themes
Research philosophies evolve – you can find the one from my previous life here.
Some representative papers:
Tokárová, Viola, et al. “Patterns of bacterial motility in microfluidics-confining environments.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118.17 (2021). (PDF: Tokarova et al 2021 (incl SI)).
Held, Marie, et al. “Intracellular mechanisms of fungal space searching in microenvironments.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116.27 (2019): 13543-13552. (PDF: Held et al (incl SI) 2019).
Nicolau, Dan V., et al. “Parallel computation with molecular-motor-propelled agents in nanofabricated networks.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.10 (2016): 2591-2596. (PDF: Nicolau Jr Lard Korten et al (incl SI) 2016).
We also believe that any good engineering can start only after good science and good technology are achieved [Editorial]. Additionally, the best return-on-investment for research is obtained when focusing on new engineering knowledge derived from biology [more from Claasens-law-of-usefulness].